P.S. I Love You
this awesomeness is by [rin] , Friday, July 31, 2009 8:33 PM
Okay, so maybe I'm a little late in reading this book.
It came out in 2004...
Okay, okay, very late.
But I haven't managed to get my hands on a copy 'till now.
I 'discovered' it in my school library.
Never even knew the library had a copy.
This Cecelia Ahern's bestseller (Aren't they all) has been on the top-10 list at Kinokuniya for months!
It's been there a really really long while, and I think it's still there.
Check it every Sunday in The Star newspapers.
So what's so great about this book?
It's been made into a feature film and everything.
Well, I haven't watched the film, but the book is rather...
I'd been expecting something really impressive from such a popular book.
It was quite a letdown, actually, as the book was kinda sorta just-a normal.
Cliched, in fact.
P.S. I Love You is about a woman whose husband had just passed away.
Holly imagines her life to be over after Gerry dies from cancer.
They had been best friends and lovers, and Holly never imagined it all to end so soon.
She drifts through everyday aimlessly until her mother rings her up one day to tell her that there's a package with Holly's name on waiting for her at the family home.
The package turns out to be 'A List' left behind by Gerry.
Opening it, she finds envelopes in which Gerry wrote short messages to help Holly get back on track in her life.
The story then continues by telling the reader about Holly's falling in and out of depression as she opens an envelope each month.
Holly cries, kicks herself for crying and brightens up before something sets her off crying again.
And basically, this is what she does throughout the whole book.
It gets annoying sometimes, especially when she's moping at all the wrong times!
(No spoiler, read the book yourself!)
All in all, it's just an ordinary love story (To me) which took me two days to read through.
Don't get what all the craze is about...
Maybe I should watch the movie, eh?
You make your own conclusion about the book.
Grab one and have a read yourself.
For my homeboy Houey:
I promised your Mum I'd do it for E.B...
Have fun and contact me after you've had a look.

Cute clipart of the day...
Poor bearbear.
It came out in 2004...
Okay, okay, very late.
But I haven't managed to get my hands on a copy 'till now.
I 'discovered' it in my school library.
Never even knew the library had a copy.
This Cecelia Ahern's bestseller (Aren't they all) has been on the top-10 list at Kinokuniya for months!
It's been there a really really long while, and I think it's still there.
Check it every Sunday in The Star newspapers.
So what's so great about this book?
It's been made into a feature film and everything.
Well, I haven't watched the film, but the book is rather...
I'd been expecting something really impressive from such a popular book.
It was quite a letdown, actually, as the book was kinda sorta just-a normal.
Cliched, in fact.
P.S. I Love You is about a woman whose husband had just passed away.
Holly imagines her life to be over after Gerry dies from cancer.
They had been best friends and lovers, and Holly never imagined it all to end so soon.
She drifts through everyday aimlessly until her mother rings her up one day to tell her that there's a package with Holly's name on waiting for her at the family home.
The package turns out to be 'A List' left behind by Gerry.
Opening it, she finds envelopes in which Gerry wrote short messages to help Holly get back on track in her life.
The story then continues by telling the reader about Holly's falling in and out of depression as she opens an envelope each month.
Holly cries, kicks herself for crying and brightens up before something sets her off crying again.
And basically, this is what she does throughout the whole book.
It gets annoying sometimes, especially when she's moping at all the wrong times!
(No spoiler, read the book yourself!)
All in all, it's just an ordinary love story (To me) which took me two days to read through.
Don't get what all the craze is about...
Maybe I should watch the movie, eh?
You make your own conclusion about the book.
Grab one and have a read yourself.
For my homeboy Houey:
I promised your Mum I'd do it for E.B...
Have fun and contact me after you've had a look.
Cute clipart of the day...
Poor bearbear.