this awesomeness is by [rin] , Friday, May 28, 2010 4:42 PM
I really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really hate getting my plans disrupted.
Like, stuff I've arranged for and planned for, then suddenly cannot be carried out.
That really gets me frustrated and sometimes pissed off, too.
I mean, I spent time and effort to lay out plans, then at the last minute all of the 'scheming' doesn't work out.
What a letdown lah!
Especially if its something that really matters to me, then it doesn't work out because of someone else who didn't play his part properly.
I know this makes me sound like a control freak, but I just want things to be carried out according to plan.
Sometimes I get these great ideas and then have to ditch them.
Aiyo, what a waste lah!
Sure will feel very very very disappointed, right?
Anyway, the story is that I arranged for a package to be passed on to a friend in KL.
Inside is some important stuff which I initially wanted to give him myself.
Unfortunately, due to some miscommunications, the thing is now sitting in another friend's place.
Still in Sitiawan.
When I found out about that, I was like, "Kuso, kuso, kuso!" (Shit, shit, shit!).
Sedangkan I've already gone through the trouble of preparing all the stuff, it's stuck back here pulak.
Okay lah, I know that they didn't do it on purpose, but I'm still very disappointed lor.
So, anyone knows of a way to deliver a package to KL before the 12th of June?
Sans FedEx, please.
Express delivery is bloody expensive.
(Not to mention I've got to bundle the whole thing up in bubble wrap and box it - @_@!)
我不甘心, 不甘心, 不甘心~~~!!!
use post laju...2 days can reach liao