another day, another PARTAAAY...

this awesomeness is by [rin] , Tuesday, September 7, 2010 1:30 AM

Just got back from Kelly's birthday party.
Was fun, but I didn't bring my camera, so no pictures.
Although, I'll wait for the rest of them (Who, smartly, brought their super canggih cams) to upload all those super DFA pictures onto Facebook lah.

Anyway, ugh, I don't like riding at night on my motor.
It's a lot of work, and if it's too late, it's scary.
Worse thing is when it rains.
Gods, can't wait till I finally get my P-license so I can legally drive.

So we had a barbecue at Kelly's place, with the whole gang of us 5S3 sakais.
On the plus side, there was loads of yummy food, and BBQs are always bound to be fun.
The bad thing about having open charcoal fires and inexperienced cooks, though, is the heat, the smoke and the burnt food experimentations.
But it was the first ever BBQ I've been to with hash browns and marshmallows offered to us to destroy over the fires.
Oooh, and and and, there was this big bottle of Hershey's chocolate syrup, which was awesomeeeee.

So yeah, I had a pretty good time.

Now, though, my hair smells like charcoal smoke, even after washing.

And by the way, every time I think of the word 'party' now, I immediately associate it with my end-of-year Singapore trip.
Oh yes, I'm very likely going down to Singapore after my SPM, guys.
It'll be tots AWESOME.

Anyways, HAPPY 17TH BIRTHDAY to Kelly.
Wishing you many happy returns of the day and a bright future ahead.

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