i am back from B.B. 19TH NATIONAL PESTA 2010 PENANG...
this awesomeness is by [rin] , Tuesday, June 15, 2010 11:00 PM
And it was fun!
Well, maybe not quite as fun as Pesta KK 2008, but this time around I got to know a lot more people.
So, while I wait for my Facebook to finish uploading my Pesta photo album, I shall be blogging 'bout it!
02MJG's Adventures At Pesta Penang 2010
We gathered at CHMC the night before (10/6) and stayed over that night.
The next morning, we woke up and took a 4am (Or so; the bus was a little late) bus straight to Penang Island.
Dressed in our muftis, we (As usual) cam-whored and crazy-d in the bus all the way.
Reached there just in time for briefing and registration/opening parade.
The first afternoon, we had the National Drill Competition (No pictures, sorry!) and we gathered at the St. Xavier's Institution basketball court to watch the best teams from around Malaysia drill.
It was at the drill competition that I was first introduced to Sam and his friend.
They're from 1st Serdang and were 02MJG guys' roommates.
So, anyway, we got talking for a little while and I discovered that he's actually quite interesting to talk to (Especially after all the rest of them cabut lari back to the dorms to tidur!).
Rehearsal was very kelam kabut - ISH - and we had to stand there for a couple of hours.
But then the VIP (Minister of Transport - Dato' Sri Ong Tee Keat) came and we could finally start!
It was impressive, seriously, and I felt very proud to stand there and represent Perak state when I looked up at the stands filled with members, officers and visitors.
Quite a few bands took part, but many were from KL.
Guess that's 'cos they have the funds and resources, huh?
When we went back to Convent Light Street (The girls' accommodations) that night, I was feeling really tired, but still happy to just be there.
And I could finally bathe after 24 hours of not touching water that night!
The lines at the bathrooms earlier were like WHOA so I couldn't bathe before changing to my full uniform for the opening.
I know, I know, EEWWWW right?
Day Two
Started that morning with a very interesting exercise...
The Pesta committee invited a dance crew called Danzity to lead us in some 'warm-ups', which were basically some base steps for hip-hop dancing.
A guy - Sean Loh - took over the mike and shouted out instructions to us while demo-ing the steps himself.
I tell you, the guy has got an awesome set of lungs lah!
Anyway, it was something new because we've never danced for morning exercise before.
The verdict?
That afternoon's telematch was canceled because it was raining (Super unpredictable weather - Rain, shine, rain, shine - Annoying!) and then put back on because the rain stopped!
Ish ish ish...
Too bad, by that time I was already back in the dorms and had already planned to catch up on all my lost sleep!
Not very nice lor, if you're asking my opinion.
Then the National Singing & Dancing Competition at Dewan Sri Pinang!
That one really syok, I tell you.
Especially the dance teams from the various companies' performances were fun to watch.
Screamed ourselves hoarse that night.
Day Three
Halfway through Pesta already!
Worship and sermon by group from City Harvest Church, Penang (Why is the church so familiar, huh??) and we also got to meet Anthony Chang (Winner of Astro Talent Quest 2006), who performed a few songs for us.
If you weren't jealous before, I bet you are now!
How often do you get to meet a star, huh?
That afternoon we had a Treasure Hunt around the whole Georgetown area, which basically consisted of all of us running around town under the hot, sweltering sun.
Good teamwork-building for all the platoons, though.
All sorts of weird games (Bootlace tying, speed reading) and regular funfair games were organized by the Pesta committee and helpers.
We all played to earn 'coupons' which contributed to our platoons' scores.
Über tired by then, but still managed to earn a few points for my Platoon C!
None of my company members joined the B Idol, but Sam did!
Unfortunately, according to him, he was up there for the grand sum of 'bout 10 seconds before the judges rang the bell for him to come down.
Day Four
Explore Penang!
I went with Ronia, Melissa, Pearly, Wei Qian, Juo Keong and Sam.
Our tour group stopped at the church where the very first BB company in Malaysia was started...
Queensbay Mall...
A farm (Where we got to eat durians for free... Hoho!)...
And Balik Pulau.
Evening - Closing Ceremony.
We marched from SXI all the way to the KOMTAR Dome in our full uniforms.
Sure very impressive also, maybe can go into the papers again huh?
*Wink wink*
(An article was published in Star newspapers on the 11th 'bout Pesta already. Read?)
The BB delegates from the other countries which joined us - Indonesia, Hong Kong, Thailand, Philippines, Singapore - were in all their different uniforms and some even performed dances for us.
Competition winners were announced (My platoon got 2nd!) and all of us cheered ourselves hoarse (Again) for them.
Justin (From 3rd KL - Knew him from past BB activities) got Best Drum Major weh!
When we went back to our respective dorms and rooms that night, all my girls said wanna tong xiao (All night long) chatting, but all fell asleep at the end anyway.
Day Five (a.k.a Today)
Bus was scheduled to bring us back at 9am, so all of us spent the morning taking pictures, exchanging contacts and saying our goodbyes.
Kinda sad we had to leave so early, didn't really have enough time to talk to all the people I got to know during Pesta.
But anyway, all good things come to an end, so we had no choice but to go home.
Reached back in Sitiawan at 'bout 1pm, safe and sound, so thanks be to God for the journey mercies.
Overall, the Pesta was another fantastic memory of my BB life and one which I will treasure for a long time.
Especially since this will be my final year in BB, so... Yeah.
Got to know many awesome people.
Met many old friends.
Tried many fun, new things.
Bought many little souvenir bits for those poor souls who missed Pesta.
Anyways, now it's back to reality for me and all the rest of them.
So... Yeah.
Updated my PhotoShots!
wow... sounds like a nice activity!
Dropped by from Lukey's Rantings