my dream story of success...
this awesomeness is by [rin] , Thursday, June 17, 2010 11:54 PM
Success can mean a lot of different things to a lot of different people.To a Mom, it could mean watching her child score 10As in SPM.
To a 17-year-old, it could mean passing his P-license tests.
To a businessman, it could mean seeing his company’s franchises pop up all over the country.
To me, success means being able to achieve my dreams and walk through life with my head held high.

My vision in life for myself is to become an amazing graphic designer.
It doesn’t matter if my pay is not that high; it doesn’t matter if only a select few know my name; I want to live my life knowing that I have put my talents to great use.
This dream may seem unconventional for a student who scored straight As in her PMR, for someone who can probably be a doctor or engineer if she puts her mind to it.
Why settle for a job that doesn’t guarantee a good pay and a bright future?
Why take up designing at all?
Well, let me tell you why.

I have loved the arts ever since I was very young.
Dancing, singing, drawing, painting, composing, writing, photography; I have done them all at least once in my 17 years.
And I can honestly say I loved doing them.
I feel the most happy when I am drawing, coloring or even when I am messing around with Photoshop, trying new stuff out.
I feel like I can do anything - create anything that I want - just by moving my hands.
And I can, actually.
By clicking my mouse, or shifting my pencils around, something new comes into being.
I can tell stories with my art; express my feelings and emotions and imagine myself to be anyone I want to be.

Being someone with borderline Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), I'm hardly able to keep still: Art subdues me.
And that gives me the pleasure of freedom, because my art is like wings given to me to soar above any trials, temptations and tribulations.
I once sat down and considered how I would work to achieve this dream of mine.
The first thing I had to do was, of course, to do well in my upcoming SPM examinations.
Then what?
What would I do next?
Where would I go?
After doing some research, I decided to go for a few Open Days held by various colleges and universities.
The road show held by Sunway University College at my hometown was one of the first few information-gathering trips I made.
At the hotel ballroom where the road show was set up, I learned more about Diplomas, Degrees and the path I would have to take to actually become a graphic student.
After that road show, I decided to go for more Open Days and actually visited many campuses around Malaysia.
Many of the people who met me at these events were surprised to know that I was only in Form 5.

And I would nod, because the fact stands that I cannot wait to begin that new phase of my life.
I want so much to be able to do what my heart desires, but time is passing seemingly so slowly right now.
Once SPM is over, I fully intend to enroll in a college for the first intake with my forecast results.
I’m also aiming for scholarships and monetary help so that my family’s burden wouldn’t be so large.
Even though I’m not the best student there is, I still mean to go all out for my dream.

Childish though this statement may be, in it lies my hopes that I will be able to succeed one day.
And when I do, when I return home, it will be something epic.
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